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When you feel distressed talk to someone - (780) 482-4357(HELP)

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

For immediate support or if you know someone who is contemplating suicide, feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing abuse call (780) 482-4357(HELP) 24HR CRISIS LINE for help or advice.

Welcome to this page where we talk and deal with the topic of distress. Distress can happen to anyone and you should never ever feel embarrassed to ask for help. This is a safe place and the phone number provided is there for you to use when you have questions, feel overwhelmed, thinking of ending your life or need help. Everything is kept confidential and non of your information is released to anyone unless you would like them to. Everyone experiences some type of distress in life and asking for help will help you to overcome it. Everyone's distress is unique, we understand that and remember you will never be judged.

“You are beautiful, you are special, you are talented and you are made for such a time as this. You are valuable and your life is important. You are not a mistake, the world needs you and you are more powerful than you know. You are born for a purpose and you are an overcomer. I believe in you."


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